What is a Chartered IT Professional (CITPNZ)?
Chartered IT Professional NZ (CITPNZ) is the international gold standard accreditation for senior IT professionals customised for New Zealand.
Chartered IT Professional accreditation shows internationally agreed standards of competence, education, experience, and ethical conduct are met. This is a robust evidence-based qualification and usually requires 8-10 years of combined education and industry experience, the latter to a senior level.
Chartered IT Professional is recognised both within New Zealand and abroad, and as an independently assessed competency-based qualification, provides the evidence to support senior IT professionals who want to show they achieve real results in IT. ITP is licensed to award CITP status by the UK-based BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT.
Chartered IT Professionals take responsibility for their own work and that of others in their company, and having CITPNZs on staff shows that a company has made a tangible commitment to professionalism which has been independently assessed by the industry’s professional body.